Happy New Year! All our goodies are made-to-order, please allow 6-8 weeks for your order to ship.

Second Summer Mini Sale ready for shipping!

This was our second mini summer sale with the Rock-a-Billy and Sci-fi scents included. Our fulfillment company should be getting started on the shipping out of them today. Pam who usually sends you your shipping info is on leave, and Ed, one of the owners of the shipping company, will be taking her place. So be on the look out for your CNS! It usually takes about a full week for them to finish once they get started, sometimes a little more. I would think we will be on the more end of it, with Pam on leave. But regardless , you should see your order very soon!

Next release will be coming up in early August. It will be our first set of our Fall goodies coming your way!!! We LOVE the Fall here at Moo-headquarters!

And also coming up very, very soon will be a couple of new surprises! So stay tuned and see you soon!

Thank you all and Blessings~ Moona