Welcome to MoonaLisa's on-line store!
This shop is for domestic orders only, if you do NOT reside in the USA, please visit us at: www.moointernational.com.
Currant TAT ( turn around time) is approximately twenty business days. Shop will be restocked March 12th at 6 :30 pm PDT, with the new spring listings and again this coming Saturday March 15th at 10:00 a.m. PDT for Domestic sales.
International sale will be on the international site in about a week from now.
Lots of soap! And soapy goodness treats .................New & vintage Spring scents return!!
Adding soon, more earthy, more herbal and more fresh green scents coming your way! Also adding florals, and tantalizing Tropical scents , all coming soon! We were calling this the Brewing Spring Collection, but I have thought about it and changed the name to:
"Abundant Spring" , Enjoy and thank you! And do not forget to sign up for the customer rewards program!
We hope you enjoy your visit and thank you for shopping with us!
Blessings~ the MooCru'